50% Pinto Beans
50% Protein Riegel
50% Reduced Fat 8 pork sausages
50% Reduced Fat Beef Franks
50% Reduced Fat Mature Cheese
50% Soursop
50% cacao dark chocolate with cherry
50% cacao dark chocolate with toasted coconut
50% fruit high juice
50% fruit high juice
50% fruit high juice apple
50% fruit juice
50% less fat mature british cheddar
50% less fat mature cheddar cheese
50% less fat mature grated cheese
50% less fat soft cheese
50% less salt Roasted & Salted peanuts
50% less sodium dry roasted almonds
50% less sugar and sodium tomato ketchup
50% less sugar choc hazelnut spread
50% less sugar coffee syrup
50% less sugar cranberrys
50% less sugar sweetened condensed dairy product, menos azucar
50% lower carb Sandwich bread
50% lower carb block white loaf